Friday, August 31, 2007

Congratulations, Toril!

I knew you'd get the job, even if you didn't dare to hope. What an inspiration you are, my dear friend. (And I'm happy that you'll be working on the premises, then I can come bother you now and again...)


Toril said...

Oh my God, what a wonderful surprise!!!! Where in the world did I find such a wonderful friend like you???? Yes, I remember now - at the UNIVERSITY!!!

I love the way you've manipulated the picture, and I believe I am as happy today as I was on that very special Graduation Day!!

Thank you, Karin! We'll have to celebrate - do something fun ;) Next week is my last week of rest and recreation as my job starts September 10th.

I'm soooooooooo HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm very glad I'm somebodies inspiration!

Karin said...

Photoshop is great fun, indeed! And I absolutely look forward to some serious celebration...

Toril said...

Yes, I believe I'm eligible for some serious celebration. Everyone is so happy for me, which is such a wonderful experience, I feel very special :)

I'm also glad you're still on the premises, and I look forward to your visits and many magnificent future lunches at MoliƩre ;)

I hope your wedding party was a good one, I was thinking of you!!!

Karin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Toril said...

A quick coffee, indeed :) I'll let you know when I have 5 or 10 minutes to spare!! It's both Kristina and Danny's last week before they head back to the UK, so time for me to be Supermum!!!

Actually, I try my best year round, but I rarely have them both near me at the same time, so this will be special :) Hopefully the weather will be good so we can do some fun stuff!

Karin said...

I've been practicing some supermothering myself today, and it does feel good. Pizza and chocolate mousse for all my kids, and all home made like it used to be...

Sorry for "messing" with the comments, (deleting the previous one). Probably not a good idea to beat about the bush in that way, although I didn't intend to be too revealing. I'll better keep it to myself for now. Better give it a few days to mature, and then make up my mind about how I feel.

Toril said...

Sounds good to me :) and keep up the supermothering!!! I believe it does wonders to our state of mind ;)