Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Things We Do For Love

Did a little Thelma & Louise today, me and my friend Hannah. Except of course the flying off the cliff in the end. Well, Hannah did some flying, which was the reason for this road trip to begin with.

But let's jump back half a year, when it all started.

Not only was Hannah single and wanted that someone special to enter her life, but she had some criteria as well - he should be Scottish! Never mind why, but that was what she wanted. And she also pictured herself living there, country style and everything. So how would she go about achieving that? I suggested she'd set up a profile on a net dating site, something she was a novice to. She was reluctant at first, if not terrified, but I wouldn't listen to that and the very next I'd found her a suitable Scottish site. I'll try to cut the story short here: she set up a profile, found someone she fancied, they started writing to each other, EVERYDAY, and four months later she crossed the North Sea to visit him for a day and a half. I'd love to know what her secret is, 'cause after that he was lost, smitten, totally besotted, and now she's selling her house to move to Scotland. Now, that's a modern love story, isn't it?

Back to today's events then.

Hannah had decided to celebrate the Norwegian National Day, 17th of May, in Edinburgh with her "loverboy", and I was going to take her to the airport this morning. Unfortunately there were union members of Avinor going on strike as from today 8 o'clock, which led to several airports being closed, including ours. Hannah was happily unaware of all this until I called her and broke the news. Think, think, what can we do? Widerøe was very helpful and rebooked her flight to Stavanger instead, which was open, and there was plenty of time to get there by boat. Had it only been any seats left. When we arrived at the dock the place was crowded, and it soon became evident that most people had to turn back. "OK, let's drive" I said, "we'll have to get you on that plane". She's a little fragile right now, and I knew in my heart she'd be devastated if she couldn't go to him.

We started at half past ten, and arrived at Sola airport around three, where I only stayed long enough to see her safely checked in. I headed straight home again, except for a few minutes on the beach. Perhaps you wouldn't suspect that, but actually there's a "world class" beach right outside Stavanger. Too cold most of the year for any serious sunbathing, but the windsurfers love the spot. And on a beautiful day like this, though rather windy, it was magnificent to stretch my legs and walk barefoot in he sand, before I had to place myself behind the wheel again.


Toril said...

The Sola beach is an amazing beach! I was there last December, and it was sunny and stunningly beautiful. I don't agree with the swimming part of it though, as one young man went swimming in the sea this beautiful morning of December 11 :) I've also done a lot of swimming there a few years ago, and it's lovely!!! My swimming, however, was all done during the height of summer.

You are a wonderful friend, Karin, and I'm sure Hannah appreciates your outstanding gesture, as driving to Stavanger is both time consuming and ridiculously expensive!!

Karin said...

The trip was fantastic, and might be considered an investment as well; after all, I need something to write about.

Anonymous said...

Karin, my angel! What can I say? THANK YOU !! And we had a lovely day, the memory will forever remain in my heart!!! Now I am home again and I do have a special gift for you, the most lovely person in this world!!!

Big hug

Karin said...

It really was a fantastic day, and I'm glad I could help. Now though, it's me-time. :)

My supervisors apparently saw something I didn't, so when I thought I had to give it all up they kept pushing me. Hence me being totally absorbed in my writing as we speak. It seems I keep braking the record every year in terms of how much one can possibly delay the start before it's too late....

But I do have some other funny things to tell you, when I see you next time!