Thursday, August 21, 2008

Busy Bee

Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do, as much as you're actually doing something, and today I've been swirling around like a giddy cat while working on one thing after another. Or more precisely, most tasks were running simultaneously. That's flow.

The therapy table arrived today, and it looked just as I hoped it would. Hopefully it'll work to my (and your?) satisfaction too. With the Angelos Method we use a variety of aids and tools, and every therapist developes his or her own preferences and a personal style to the healing. But one very powerful tool we've been introduced to so far is the eagle feather, but as trading with these are illegal we can only hope for finding one on the ground or recieving it as a gift. When we first were told about this shamanistic tool I immediately connected it to my father somehow, having a vague memory of a feather of some sort in his boat. I looked forward to the summer, and vacation in Sweden, so I could check it out. But I didn't have to go far; imagine how surprised I was when I found two feathers stuck to the cornice at my father's house!

So one of the things I did today was to sew this carrying case for my feathers:

Then I had a totally different thing going on as well.

Yesterday afternoon my son came home with ten Scallops which I cleaned in probably less than ten minutes. (I'm quite proud of my technique, if I must say myself...) Anywhos, the scallop muscles went into the freezer, and the innards and empty shells I placed in triple plastic bags and put that by the door to bring to the garbage room next morning. Today that is, and I found out the bags had been leaking. Do you have any idea how bad that can smell? If it only had been on the floor, but no such luck. Straight on to my diving-belt it seeped. Which by the way is just lying there in the hallway, reminding me everyday of a past life. One day I might get back into the water though; with the right encouragement everything is possible. And a few weeks of lifting weights...

Well, cleaning that belt was a good start! It is quite heavy, and had it been a traditional belt with lead blocks it would have been easy to rinse. But mine is a shot belt, soft fabric pouches filled with lead shots, and washing it with detergent and rinsing it afterwards meant a lot of lifting! But it was due, I'd say; a little exercise will only do me good.

A nice day at home - sewing, cleaning, cooking, writing. And a bit of thinking. Don't be alarmed, not that worrying kind I've beed paractising too much. This was the good kind, about future plans and ideas, and about the course I'm taking now. Now, that was a smart choice! Organizational Psychology is something I'll probably write more than once about in the near future.


Anonymous said...

oh, I will very much like you to give me a theraphy hour at your new bench?? ..with eagle feather of course? EXITING!!!!

Karin said...

Goody! And maybe some burning sage as well? Very cleansing. We need to straighten your mind up before you leave, right?

Anonymous said...

And the folder was beautiful, this is something you are good at, design, fabrics, and sewing!!

See you tonight? Looking very much forward to!

Karin said...

Yes, see you tonight. :)