Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In My Sphere

As it has been established for quite some time now that the Earth is round (or spherical), not flat, it shouldn't be any danger involved pushing ones boundaries, right? Seeking out my limits shouldn't mean I will fall off the edge of the Earth? I guess when I broaden my horizons the way I am now, the only thing I risk is seeing the whole World then? Exciting thought. I'll send you a post card...


Anonymous said...

No, you will not fall off. Pushing boundaries - especially when well considered - is probably only healthy.
The world is yours. :)

Karin said...

True words from a man of experience and wisdom.

Maybe you'll travel with me sometime? ;)

Toril said...

Fabulous picture, my friend!! I thought I would check out about boundaries myself, and have booked two unspecified tickets to Split in Kroatia, leaving Saturday morning at 05:35 - have I gone mad??? Never done this before, but are nevertheles full of playful butterflies!!!!!!

Karin said...

Wish you luck on your journey, my friend. Probably a lot more specified than mine...

See you soon, and I'll have some interesting research material to discuss.

Anonymous said...

"Travelling" with you would probably be just as interesting, fascinating and enjoyable as just being with you and only have a beer.
In other words - stimulating company.
So - "never say never" ;)

Karin said...

Well, what can I say? More than that I look forward to conquer the world with you sometime. We might even pass through to other dimensions. ;)