Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Blissfully Normal Day... far.

As mentioned before, my son is currently doing his military service in the Navy, and he's been there for 8 months now, slowly getting towards the end of it for this time. He's getting a little tired of it all, now facing 12 hours shifts for 10 days followed by only a 2 day break. And then another 10 days, and so on... But he's not complaining while there, and he must have been doing a good job too, 'cause he just got promoted. Good boy.

One thing he really misses is playing basketball, and when the opportunity came today to play for his team he wasn't slow to say yes. Of course I had to pick him up at the base, and presumably drive him back again in an hour, but that's only a pleasure. Watching him like a giddy little child running around on the court was worth a lot more. And when his younger sister also wanted to come along and watch the game - well that was priceless. It all gave me a reminder of a "normal" family life, which I truly miss, and these days I needed that anchor even more.

They lost game though, but thats' not important here. And Thomas did a great job, especially considering he hasn't played for a very long time.

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