Friday, September 12, 2008

First Kiss

He's just about to kiss you, and a lot of questions come to your mind:

Is this the right moment?

Is anyone looking?

Do I really want this?

Do I smell OK?

Then you're thinking...

What the hell! and just Do it!!!


Erica said...

Perfect!!! lol You've made my day!!! I needed a good laugh to get me out of my feeling sorry for myself mood today - THANK YOU!!!

Karin said...

Your most welcome, and to add something to that - you can also be thankful that it weren't you who had to kiss that protruding snout...

Anonymous said...

Ouch...hopefully not a RL experience.
But you're right - sometimes the Nike philosophy is right.
Lovely picture.

Karin said...

But as we know; the Kiss is the litmus test, and finding out sooner rather than later can save you from a lot of trouble. On the other hand - a good kiss can lead to trouble too...

Anyway, I'm sure you can make up for that nasty one, somehow. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good post.