I realize I'm walking on very thin ice here, there are so many educated people out there who could answer this question far better than I could. So I'm not going to attempt that. Instead I'll just share with you some of my own experiences and let you decide, that's what I like best anyway.
Some of you have been reading this blog from the beginning and you know it was a compulsory part of a course I attended early 2005. Back then I didn't have clue of what to write and obviously some of the topics were straightly related to that course. Later I found out that it was a very good safety valve for letting out steam. I didn't care that much if anyone was reading or not, the blogs purpose was at that stage purely for my own satisfaction. But as I dived in to my second year at uni it soon became rather evident that there are quite a few people who actually study this field seriously, and I then I thought I had to keep a particular standard.
So here I am, and I don't know where that is really. On one hand, beeing a humanistic informatics student and after finding out that I have a few readers, I'd like to participate in the current debate and be involved in this field of studies, and accordingly write interesting posts about identity and communication in the cyberworld. On the other hand, I couldn't care less. This part rather want to still write about her silly, neurotic personal insights. And the weather in general.
Now I have to figure out a way to retrieve back the ownership of this blog. I recently developed a certain awareness that this or that person might be reading and therefore tried to adjust the content of the blog to that. How silly. I can't pretend to be contributing, there are far more competent people who could do that for real.
I think I'll just stick to what I now think is me and my style, and I probably brake some "blogging rules" by at. I'm not consistent, not in content nor in frequency. I have no particular direction or anything. In fact I'm not even sure if I'm going to keep up this blog at all.
Just to make it clear, I have some inspirations like Angela and Jill amongst others, but at the same time they make me feel minor and inadequate. My problem, not anything they have done wrong. On the contrary I truly appreciate their writing, and one day - who knows?