Friday, July 27, 2007

I Hate Cars

At least the ones that won't work.

I drive an old Nissan Micra, not fancy, I know, but usually it takes me where I want to go. There's been a nasty sound from it for a while, and I knew I had to take it to a garage very soon. Not funny, 'cause that's money I sure could use for something else. Anyway, I left for Sweden and knew I had to deal with that car when I got home again.

The last week of my vacation, we took a little trip to Germany, me, my father and my daughter. I drove my fathers car (which also is an old wreck), and everything was fine until we were on our way home again. Just after we'd crossed the border from Germany to Denmark the waterpump went to pieces, and we were forced to stay the night in Denmark. I must stress though that that incident could have been far worse in so many ways, but still, very annoying. It all worked out quite nicely in the end, and we arrived back in Sweden only a day and a half late.

So, back to my own car. I arrived home in Bergen on Monday morning, and was supposed to pick up my daughter at the airport Wednesday afternoon, which then was the first time I tried to start the car. I said tried, because it wouldn't start. It's dead! Probably "just" the battery, but now I'm real p....d off. If it wasn't for the fact that I wouldn't get any money for that piece of junk, I would probably sell it.

Better take a shower and go catch that bus, I'm off to the city to buy some yarn. Still keeping up my creative side...

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