Sunday, July 29, 2007

Positive Imprints

Although I managed to write an A-paper in under a week, it doesn't mean that I think it's good idea to start that late, neither does it mean the work isn't in progress long before I finally sit down and hit the keyboard. My mind is constantly occupied with trying to understand what's going on and how things are connected (very tiring, I do need to find a way to let things pass...), and if I'm not too absorbed in my own emotional traumas my thinking is quite constructive. On the other hand I believe everything is connected in some way, and my last paper was a lot about communication which is important in all relations, be it in a large organization or between two friends. So my little blog writing about this and that helps me organize my thoughts, and when I then start writing the paper itself the text more or less emerges on the screen as I go along. Funny, this sounds sooo easy; have a vague memory that I didn't feel that way when writing the papers! But if I tell myself that's how it's work, I might not be so stressed next time? A self applied positive imprint on my mind?

So far I think I've embarked on every semester at the university feeling rather optimistic, and like "Now! Sure my gloomy days must be over? This will be fun!" I'm slightly more realistic now, realizing that life is up and down, no matter what. Accordingly, this semester will be just as frustrating as usual (as my academic life is invariable tied to my personal...), but I will also get through it - as usual. This is my last term coming up, and my bachelor assignment is due soon. Writing a bachelor paper is a little different from what I've been doing so far, in that it's more or less up to me which topic I choose. There are so many things I'd like to explore, but I have a hunch is going to be centered around the humanistic side of humanistic informatics - the field between conversation, communication, information, media and information technology. And I'm already thinking about how we people seem to construct and recollect our history through the telling of it, and how computer technology and the web are suitable tools for that.

In addition to the bachelor assignment I have to take another course in order to finish my degree, and I thought "Culture and Narration" could be relevant. Then again, everything and anything can...

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