Thursday, December 04, 2008


I did it. Again. The printer is working like crazy behind me as we speak; three copies of my paper will soon be materialized and ready to be handed in. Half-ass work as always, but that I'd actually write 23 pages in three days was beyond my wildest fantasies. I can live with the poor standard of it. The main thing is that I'm finally done, 'cause this time it's not only a paper, but the last paper. But as my daughter said this morning when I woke her up:

Good on 'ya mum, now go on with that Master, will you!

I so feel like putting my head on the pillow for just a few minutes, but wouldn't that be the most pathetic thing? Fall deeply into sleep and miss the deadline?

No, I better get dressed and get downtown, and later I'll celebrate with Toril. She even convinced me of going back to MoliƩre, despite my promise to boycott them. But you know me, always forgiving...


Toril said...

Congratulations my friend!!! I knew you would do it with flying colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't oversleep - pay attention to the deadline!!!!

I've got meetings all day long, but should we meet around 17:00 hours, or is that too late?

Anonymous said...

Hurray!!!!!!! You are really something, and I`m so proud to be your friend!!!
Big...big hug from Edinborrrrah!!!!

Karin said...

Thanks, my friends! And it sure helps having friends believing in you!