Saturday, December 20, 2008

On The Move

Where to start? This has been hell of a week, but I'm not sure whether I should nag about it. "Short" version: I handed in my exam Thursday a fortnight ago, but that wasn't the end of my "ordeals". But I've already told you I had to move and course weekend on top of that, so I won't repeat that. What I didn't know then though, was just how exhausting this process would turn out to be. I didn't know that when the day finally came to do the actual move it would be just me and my mum doing all the carrying. She's 70 and I'm not in the best shape. I guess the last is nothing but my own fault, but this is the reality anyway. So in two days we transported my belongings from old place to new. All except 13 black garbage bags filled with rubbish, which where taken elsewhere. We carried my king size bed (2 mattresses), the book section, the TV, the stereo, the sofa, the spare bed, the small tables, the therapy table and a LOT more, down the stairs, into the van, and then carried it all upstairs in the new flat. Now I haven't mentioned all the boxes and bags with the rest, but you can picture it, right?

Moving OUT took both Monday and Tuesday, from early morning to after midnight, and there wasn't much time to unpack. (That's what I'll have to do now, hopefully in time for Christmas) We still had some things left on Wednesday, the day I was supposed to hand in the keys of a well cleaned flat. But pretty much as with my exam, I made it in time. And the feeling when I walked backwards out of the flat with the swab in my hand, was equally as good. Goodbye old, hello new.

Next time I move it has to be some men involved, at least for helping me carry all my stuff. They're not called the stronger sex for nothing...

These paragraphs I actually wrote a couple of nights ago, but I thought it was a bit boring, so after posting it I almost immediately "took it back" for editing. Now I really can't find anything better to write about, so I'll post it anyhow just as it is! Well, I do have more interesting stuff to share with you, but I'm not sure if the moment is right yet. Have feeling though it won't be long...

Main focus now is on getting the place somewhat in shape so me and my kids can celebrate Christmas here, and I'm slowly getting there. There's a few challenges here now since the layout isn't exactly the same, and every time I come up with some genius solution I feel like I won the lottery. Just simple things, that probably no one else would notice. (That's why I tell you about them...) Like when I finally found some use for that roll of tarred twine I bought a couple of years ago. Then I only wanted it for the smell, and I kept it on the top of a cupboard. Now I've wound it around the end frames of that open shelf I placed in the kitchen, where the microwave and cook-books are.

With a little bit of luck and hard work I think there will be room for a Christmas tree as well...


Erica said...

Merry Christmas!!! I hope you were able to get your new place in shape for the holiday - or at least organized so you could enjoy the celebrations. :) I can't imagine moving by myself, or with only my Mom's help. I suppose we do what we have to do, it must feel fantastic to be in your new place! Have a wonderful Holiday and all the best in the New Year!!

Karin said...

Not entirely in shape, no, I wouldn't say that. But as you thought, just organized enough to be able to serve dinner and sit down in the sofa afterward. Just me and the kids, and we had a wonderful time actually.

The moving wasn't much fun, and the least fun about it is that I probably have to do it all again in a very near future. With the little twist that I have absolutely no idea where to. Now, that's fun, right?

A New Year - New Hopes?

Erica said...

Uncertainty is never really a fun thing, but then the possibilities are endless aren't they!!?? :) Definitely lots of new hopes!

Kristin said...

Typisk deg å ikke ringe og be om bærehjelp..
Uansett, grattis med både flytting og innlevering!!

Se min datter ta seg ut:

Karin said...

Ja, typisk, ikke sant! Men akkurat når en trenger hjelp så står det ofte litt still i hodet, og jeg tenkte først og fremst sterke menn, jeg. Glemmer ofte hvor mye vi kvinner klarer også. Men du får sikkert sjansen igjen, skal jo ikke bli her så lenge! Trur eg...

Men kaffe har jeg!

Og gratulerer så masse med flinke datteren din. Eplet faller ikke så langt fra pærestammen i den familien!