Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm On My Way

After last course weekend a lot of things have changed, and I'm truly on my way. To you it might not be obvious where the change is, cause I've been talking about this before, many times - getting the 40 client appointments and becoming a healer/therapist. But I must admit I didn't really believe it myself, wasn't at all convinced. Still needed that confirmation that I "had it in me". But I do. It's as simple as that. That also means I have to work like hell in order to meet the requirements before May.

The way I'm choosing here really is the highway, and nothing for pussies. A voyage with a one way ticket, 'cause there's no end destination. The goal is to be a little bit more myself everyday, but the day I feel I can't evolve anymore I've lost.

I'm also on my way for a few days of heaven in another direction, and I'm counting days. A weekend filled with bliss, nice food and drink, and the best of company at my favorite retreat will do me good. I so deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Have a nice trip to...whereever... ;)

Karin said...

Well, thanks! Wanna come along? ;)

Anonymous said...

"...sorry Ghost Rider - the pattern is full..." :D

Karin said...

Maybe I wasn't all that serious anyway... this time... could call for an interesting setting though... poor you, you never know when I'm joking or not ;) In fact I'm not always sure myself!