Sunday, November 11, 2007

Angels Are Flying

Imaginary or not, something is in the air, that's for sure. It's course weekend again, and obviously I'm more alert and tuned in. But still the skeptic, still not sure whether to follow through with the next two years to become a licensed therapist. On the other hand, that might not be a bad thing. What I really dread here in life are fanatics, regardless of affiliation. Someone who claims they know the truth (and won't accept other's), either he believes in Allah, angels or aliens, really scares me. And I don't think you can do any job well if that's your approach. Maybe a certain distance is good for me.

This course is much like a journey, but with no itinerary, only a goal. So of course it's frightening, not knowing what the next stop is. But I have also learned (and that's absolutely in line with the philosophy here) that as soon as I stop "fighting" and let go, what should come to me does. For example those difficult decisions regarding my studies suddenly became clearer, and that whole phone thing turned out to be (and now I can hear my friends at the course: "We told you so!") maybe just right. What you radiate will reflect, and I feel that's true. And spreading a little love couldn't harm anyone, now well, could it?

Ooops, have to run. See you later!


Erica said...

Relax and let it flow - HA! ;) Sometimes that's a lot easier to say than do, even when you know it to be true. I think this year has been a tough one for a lot of people. I find students all over the place struggling with these odd little road blocks, questions of self-worth and capabilities.... it's like everything is off just a degree. We're all waiting for something to start, shift, or end. Hang in there, it gets better - eventually! Maybe this is the big shift that's happening in your life to set you up for future understanding, clarity and just never know until you're on the other side!

Congratulations to your daughter! Good for her!!!!

Karin said...

I think you're right there. I'm absolutely on the verge of a big shift, and I can feel it. Exciting and a little bit terrifying too. But it comes down to faith; believing in myself and what I can accomplish.