Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Almost bizarre, but losing the phone might not be all that bad. Having realized that the world still is spinning, it's quite relaxing not to be "available" all the time; and considering that one of the tasks now was to look after myself, I must say it's handy to have an excuse for not being "at service". I really have a hard time saying no to my kids if they call and ask to be picked up, even if there are buses... (You know I exaggerate a little, right? I see it may sound as I was literally attached to the phone...)

Aren't you laughing now, 'cause who am I kidding? It's been two days only, and I (nor you) won't be surprised if I've gotten myself a new phone by tomorrow. I guess for most people nowadays, phones are something we take more or less for granted, and not only the younger generations. At least here in Norway, everyone seem to be "connected" wherever they go. When there's music coming out of the purse of the elderly lady with the walking stick sitting next to you on the bus, no eyebrows are raised.

Remember when I got my first phone 10 years ago, when we lived in Australia. It was bought out of necessity; being in a new country with no family or friends around, we figured the kids' school should be able to contact me at all times. But I must admit I thought it was very "cool", so hip putting the phone on the table while I had lunch with Julia at some fancy place. Imagine that monster, as big as domestic phone, with the antenna sticking out at least 3 cm's. Real smart.

But one aspect of not having a phone late at night while a little intoxicated, is that you can't use it for dialing that number you shouldn't be dialing. So by being deprived of my means of communicating, it also prevented me from being just slightly silly at its best, and downright stupid and embarrassing at its worst. So my next phone maybe should be the one from LG which incorporates a breathalyser and "allows users to program the phone to prevent the dialing of specific numbers on certain nights and after a certain time."?


Anonymous said...

...I think not... ;)

Karin said...
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Karin said...

So there's a no to the "breathalyser-phone"? Well, I thought that could be a smart idea on occasions... ;)

Not really serious of course, so I'm going for a new SE, which I hopefully get tomorrow. And don't be surprised if the first SMS I'll send, emerges on your phone! Drunk or not. ;)