Friday, November 30, 2007

Oh My...

I don't know if I should laugh or cry about this, but earlier today in Oslo, a slightly intoxicated 70 year old woman was escorted out from a shopping mall by the police for speeding with her wheelchair! She was also driving into people, and the management was concerned about the public's safety as well as the old woman's. They said she was welcome back after she'd done some basic training maneuvering her vehicle...


Erica said...

I think I'll look at it from the point of view that the woman was doing a bit of early Christmas celebrating and hopefully having a blast! ;) (However inept she might be at handling her wheelchair.) Merry Christmas to all!

Karin said...

Yeah, that's the spirit! May we all be able to speed the day we're stuck to a wheelchair.

I might revise this when I'm sober again... By the way, Deb, I've just bought that film I talked about, and I'd love to send you a copy as promised. I'll just get your address from Toril, right?

Erica said...

Sounds great! I look forward to expanding my horizons - we tend to live a rather sheltered life over much like the Americans. Sometimes it's like the rest of the world doesn't exist. I'm really glad we have such a diverse group of people at the Poultry Unit, it keeps our eyes open to different peoples and traditions. :)

Karin said...

I don't know; maybe it's better if people are "ignorant" and honest about it, rather than the way I feel a lot of Norwegians are. I think people sort of pretend they care, but when it comes down to business they don't. Or maybe I'm just hungover and cynical today...

Erica said...

Business is business, any sort of caring or concern is just to increase the bottom line - no financial benefit, no help. I don't really understand how the "top dogs" can be so heartless while doing their jobs but apparently that must be part of the job description. I'm always cynical when business is involved in anything - hence my suspicions whenever there is any American input in anything (it's usually backed by some big corporation) - now who's being cycnical!!!??? ;)

Anonymous said...

Den var bare utrolig bra..

Good story, hope she was having a ball.
More elderly should be speeding in wheelchairs!!!
Can you imagine us moving into a facility for elderly xx yrs from now and not being able to enjoy a nice glass of wine when the urge hits us?

I suspect my driving could get somewhat unstable, sneaking around town for the occasional drop of plonk..

Karin said...

I just remember a scene from Seinfeld, where George is chased by this Geriatric Bike Gang. Georg is using an EPW as well. (For his own convenience of course.) Funny.