Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My Little Soldier Boy

Another evidence that time flies; my son is suddenly all grown up and is leaving tomorrow for Madlaleiren, to do his military service. Next time I'll see him, he'll be in uniform and will also have learned to shine his own shoes properly. Further down the track I'm confident he'll pick up some other skills as well. And I also believe he's in good hands...

Click to enlarge


Toril said...

Beautiful pictures, and I can't believe it myself that the young man is OLD enough to join the army. Scary to say the least!!

Happy New Year to you, and I believe it's about time we had a bite to eat and a glass of wine at our favorite restaurant??

I think we may have a lot to catch up on, and suggest we meet very soon, like tomorrow?

Karin said...

Affirmative! Time?

Toril said...

Well, what about 17:00 hours?? That will take me away from work a few hours earlier than normal, and I believe I need the break :)

Looking forward to some rest and recreation, and not to mention catching up with life!!!!

Karin said...

I'll be there, my dear friend. Really look forward to it. And a word for the day:

Senator Tonga said in his book Heading Home (about his decision to leave the Senate after learning that he had cancer): "On their deathbed, no one ever said, 'I wish I had spent more time with my

Anonymous said...

...join the Air Force instead...? What a silly thing to suggest. :) Of course not - all sensible young men prefer the Navy. And Toril - the Army? You definately need a break from work. ;) Enjoy yourself ladies.

Karin said...

Thanks, sweetie, I'm sure we will.

(Sorry, couldn't resist; I know men don't like to be called "sweet", but I'm rather confident you can take it...)

And about the Air Force - it wasn't a suggestion, it was a trigger. Which you fell for, he, he. But willingly, I guess - you're not that easily manipulated. Not that I'm trying to, of course. 'Cause that would be silly.

Toril said...

Karin, if you read this message I would truly appreciate it if we could delay our little meeting until 18:00 as hell has bounced out from nowhere in this neck of the woods!!!

Please let me know if we can delay if for one hour :)

Karin said...

No problem, eighteen hundred hours it is then.

Toril said...

Hallelujah, and thank you very much!!!! Eighteen hundred hours it is my love ;)