Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back On Earth Again

I realize that the things I talked about in last post could be a little hard to digest for some people. I mean, even I am skeptical at times! But I guess I was "overfilled" with all the strong emotions from this weekend that I just had to share.

The group usually splits up for lunch, it's not easy to find a place where 7 very different people like to eat. Or maybe we just need a little space after these close encounters? Anyway, on Sunday me and two other women went together to the nearest cafe for some lasagna and idle chatting. But obviously we talked about the course as well, and I said: "In a way I'm a little anxious about next week. You know, here we've been in this little bubble, and as much as it's been some rough rides, we're still "safe" and "up there". Right? My worry now is that I'll fall back to old habits too soon, not being able to take thing as easy as I should. " They understood my anxiety, they too had made the same thoughts. It's really an almost weird situation, being so close to a group for three days, and then not talk to them for two months. Maybe I'll see MariAnn for coffee or so, but nothing organized I mean.

Back on earth again, I said, and that's a good thing; 'cause basically this is where we live! And the transition from where I've been went very well. Stronger, yes. But also very humble towards what lies ahead. Life that is. Everything included.

Today I was supposed to give a presentation of my project, the Bachelor assignment. I wasn't prepared at all, my mind has been elsewhere, but that's not an excuse - I'm simply not that comfortable in a situation like that. (Have to be precise and correct all the time, you know...) But my supervisor is very good, and with a little help I got on my way. I could tell she was pleased with my ideas, and now I actually can see this work as doable. So my point is that this "healing stuff" isn't only for nutty people talking about angels (if that what you think they are), but for me, you and everybody else too.


Anonymous said...

You giving people sunshine....? I have no problems understanding that. Keep shining.

Karin said...

I try to. :) Now you know where to come to if you' need a little "enlightening". I'll shine a little extra for you, my friend!

And I could need some sunshine myself, from time to time.