Wednesday, May 11, 2005

My new playground

Sometimes you just stumble upon something really good, halfway by coincidence while searching for whatever it is. Yesterday I found this excellent site; The CSS Playground by Stu Nicholls. I know there must be a million different sites about CSS, but for me this one sort of made a difference. Just have a look and judge for your self. Anyway, I will most certainly visit the page quite a lot in the most nearby future, as the duedate for handing in the portfolio is getting closer everyday. Scary, but I still hope I'll make it. On Monday we (all members of the HUIN105-class) did a presentation of our work on our group projects. As I think I mentioned earlier I "went solo" and therefore I (obviously) had to do the presentation alone as well, and I really don't feel comfortable doing things like that. I'm kind of get in a state where I hardly can hear my own voice, and I have no control what so ever. But I think it went allright. So what I have to do now is to make the site work properly for real. With effective use of CSS, and I DO have to get rid of those hideous tables...

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