Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Beyond the Supernova

Life is a movie, but I sure as hell didn't write the script for this one! This flick is turning out to be a really tiresome melodrama, filled with lot of bad acting and even sloppier directing. Oh, how I wish I could sack that guy! You know, I have all these beautyful scenes in my head, which I'd love to see come alive, but all I can do now is simply just to follow the other actors the best I can. Not at all that easy, considering that that stupid incompetent director keep changing the lines all the time. In my movie though, I always say the right thing, to the right people, at the right time. Always. And more important; everyone respond the way I want as well. My life could be Oscar-material instead of a boring TV-drama.

But a truly good film needs a star, and I feel all I am now is a collapsed one, a black hole dense with undefined matter. Eating up the light, sucking everything that's to close, into its dark misery... If only I could find a revolutionary way to reverse the process and let all that repressed energy out! On the other hand some believe that black holes evaporate, radiating more intensly the more the mass decreases, until it's vanished. Just leaving a tiny stable remnant behind.

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