Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hot & Blue

So why on earth should this picture be of any interest? Well, if you have any knowledge about Bergen, Norway, you understand why. For the rest of you, I'll give a short explaination: To put it mildly; it rains quite a lot here, and we havn't seen the sun in such a long time, we hardly didn't recognice it when it first decided to show up!

I remember a Geography-lesson I had once. I was about ten, and lived back in Sweden. We didn't know much about our neighbouring countries (hence the lesson) and that day we studied the atlas and found out that Bergen was one of the wettest places on earth along with a small place i Nepal, and I think also somewhere in South America. How do they cope? I wondered, not having the slightest idea that that was something I actually would find out on my own some ten years later. And we do cope, much thanks to days like these. I am for the moment sitting outside in my wooden swing sofa, my laptop on my lap(!) and thinking of moving indoors. It's almost too hot...

According to the weatherforcast the summer will be over sometime in the afternoon tomorrow, so I think I'll just have to endure this heatwave. There will be plenty of indoordays to come.

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