Thursday, August 04, 2005

Goodbye Worry Wrinkle

I don't think I'm the only one who looked in the mirror only to meet a dull, frowning face. You know, with that distinctive wrinkle between the eyes that clearly indicates that you're been a bit too tense for too long. One common solution to that, at least if you can afford it, is Botox. (An injection of toxin that temporarily paralyzes the muscle that causes the wrinkle.) After some time you'll have to do it all over again. Inject yourself with poison for the sake of beauty.

Besides that worry wrinkle I don't have that many lines (yet!), and the only treatment I've tried so far is a helpless massage performed with my own hands. Still, I really hated that frown, I looked so angry! But the solution was as simple as obvious, it actually lies in its name. Worry. The only key is that almost as a bieffect the wrinkle will diminish when you set target on your inner worries and anxiety, rather than your looks. I wouldn't claim myself to be looking ten years younger or anything like that, but I can actually feel that the tension is gone and the worry wrinkle along with it. So it's a classic win-win situation: Feel good - Look good (well, at least not so bad anyway)

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