Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just for laughs

A rich and lonely widow one day decided she would get a new husband. She wrote a personal ad which read: "Rich widow seeks man to share her life and fortune with. Following requirements must be fulfilled:
1) You are not violent.
2) You are not going to leave me.
3) You are amazing in bed."
Both the telephone and doorbell kept ringing insanely for months and she recieved tonnes of mail, but no one met the widows standards. One day someone called at the house and she found a man without arms and legs lying by the front door.
"Hi", he said. "Your search is over, I'm the man you've always dreamed about. I have no arms, so I can't hit you, and I have no legs, so I can't walk away from you either."
"And what makes you think you're the worlds greatest lover?", replied the widow.
"Well, I knocked on your door, didn't I?"

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