Sunday, August 14, 2005

Who should you trust?

In this case it's not a matter of life and death, but perhaps as just as close. It's a matter of choosing the right espresso machine. I did the same thing a couple of years ago, but as I thought I needed an ordinary coffe machine as well I then settled for a kind of combothing. To my disappointment neither of it's functions were satisfactory enough. The coffebrewer is too slow and the espresso runs through too quickly. Well, actually the espresso isn't too bad, but it's not good enough to justify the space it takes on my counter. You see, it's really ugly as well. Damned ugly. I think I prefer something more stylish.

Which leads me up to my recent idea of what to spend my money on. As with everything I intend to purchase I try to do a lot of research, reading through magazines and browsing the web for tests and reviews. With enough gathered information, I'll then try to come to a reasonable conclusion. Of course economics is a major factor, and is also somewhat to blame for the last mistake. This time though, I think I'll spend a few pennies more.

So what could be more natural than consulting the Norwegian Coffee Association? Or as I'm swedish; The Swedish National Coffee Association? Quite interesting, but you should think that they got testresults that at least looked familiar. But no, no at all. The swedish site states a specific machine as their "winner" and another as producing really bad tasting espresso with weak crema. To my surprise it seems like the norwegian testpanel came up with almost opposite results. How confusing!

Who should I trust? I think I'll rather stick to my gut feeling, 'cause thats where the coffee will end anyway.


Jan said...

Hei Karin, vonar det gjekk bra med deg forrige semester og at livet er glimrande. Eg har no tatt steget og skaffa meg ein "drawing pad", vart inspirert bl.a. av deg. Krever litt tilvenning men dersom tida strekk til kan det hende at eg sender deg linkar til nokre kreasjonar om tid og stunder :)

Karin said...

Ja, bare sett deg ned å eksprimenter med en gang, blir spennende å se hva du får til! Mye bra, tenker jeg. Ellers går det fint, skal liksom bli ordentlig student nå og flytter inn på Nattland om et par ukers tid. Gleder meg til neste semester med HUIN 106 og PSANA 101 (Freud og psykoanalyse!!!).
Snakkes! :)