Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Thinking Hard

These days there are a lot of people spending their time contemplating over this past year, often resulting in a New Year resolution that in most cases will be abandoned before Easter. But even if you're not in the habit of making promises you won't keep anyway, it's still a good time to at least do some heavy thinking. So that's what I've done.

Not that I don't think during the rest of the year. On the contrary, I often do that too much, and it's not always I reach a satisfying conclusion. Just as often I end up in tears. So if I actually were to make silly announcements at midnight the 31st of December that might be one: think less.

(I guess some of you're thinking another one should be: talk less...)

Anyway, I found out that with all the thinking I've done lately, I'm finally starting to understand myself a little bit better, and I'm actually amazed to find traits I didn't know I had. For instance, I have always been interested in astrology. Not to the extent that it at any point has ruled my life, I have simply noted that it could have some relevance to a persons character. But as a Taurus I should be stubborn and patient, and that one I couldn't figure out. According to my starsign I should be a person who always works hard and determined to reach my goals. Well, stubborn was one thing, but patient? No, I didn't think that. Probably because someone used to make me feel impatient, and in fact I believed myself that I couldn't pursue anything. But now that I'm free from that influence I've discovered that I do have it in me. I can finish what I've started. And I am patient. And stubborn.

The Taurus is also known not to settle for anything but the best. That one I always knew... The thing is that I now realize that "the best" isn't about money or things at all. It's about quality. Quality of life and friendships. Quality of feelings.

This post turned out to be almost an analogy for life itself, since it didn't turn out the way I had in mind. It just took off in an unknown direction and I can't tell if it is for the better or the worse. As in life, you never know, you just have to make it work as you go along.

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