Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Good Empty Or Bad?

So, I did it again. Another semester is over and I sit here with a numb feeling. Completely empty. Is that good or bad then? My mind seem to have come to a halt, nothing's really happening in there. On the other hand, any emptiness, any void space, can be filled with amazing and wonderful things. And if we stick to the computer metaphor, everyone knows that it's not only the size of the harddisk that matters but also how much free space there's left. If the disk is too full it gets sluggish.

Picture from artist Charles E. Morrow


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Karin!! And well done indeed. Now you can take some rest and recreation, and enjoy the summer to the fullest. All your batteries need to be recharged for another semester in the academic world....

I miss that feeling of having past all my exams, and to be able to enjoy a summer without constant guilt!!

By the way, don't forget a struggling master degree student. All visits will be greatly appreciated :)

Karin said...

Thanks, friend!
But do you really believe I'll spend the summer without feeling any guilt? You know me well enough by now, that you can be sure I'll find something worth worrying about. But I'll try the best I can to relax and enjoy some time off. I'm even thinking about taking the train instead of driving, I really detest cars these days. Think I must have been born in the wrong century.

Karin said...

And no, I'll certainly won't forget to pay you a visit from time to time. I love sitting there with you, and chat about more or less serious matters. For a little while I can even pretend I'm doing something useful.

Anonymous said...

As most mothers (at least the good ones) - they worry about everything, and if there is nothing to worry about, well, then they worry about that too. This is life!!!!

See you soon :)