Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Anxiety Attack

I'm a little uneasy these days, and hopefully it's nothing but the old familiar feeling of panic regarding exams and papers. This morning though I've been restless and shaky as well, and following that been doing some strange things like vacuum cleaning and dusting!

One of the odd things too, was that I wanted to listen to some music, but couldn't settle for anything really. Everything seemed wrong, and the music I wanted to listen to I didn't have. Then in the middle of my collection Rocky Horror Picture Show emerged, and I've been playing it all morning. Haven't listened to it for years now, but maybe I was reminded about it since I watched The Wall - Live in Berlin on DVD the other day (thank you for the loan, O!), and there Tim Curry sang in the role of the Prosecutor in "The Trial".

So while listening to Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Meatloaf and the rest I've been busy cleaning the house. Not meticulously, more at random I would say, but still, and I did find some surprises. Like under the pile of clutter on the table in the hallway. Nothing alarming, just a tablecloth that hasn't been visible for a while. And just that the color was red.

Talking about clutter. I guess I'm not the only one having too much of it, but sometimes we just stop seeing it. I've figured out that clutter must have a growth rate approximating that of a malignant bacteria population. And I guess the cure is the same. Keep the infected area clean!

I'm still a bit anxious, but at least my surroundings have improved. And now I probably should take a healthy walk in the woods, and get some fresh air... Love the woods, maybe I'll meet Pan...


Anonymous said...
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Toril said...

While you're at it my friend, why not come to my house and do some dusting while I go sailing?? Then I could come home after New York and New Hampshire to a dust and clutter free house, how marvellous that would be ;)

Anyhow, HOW is the writing coming along? I suppose the spring cleaning is related to an approaching panic attack....

By the way, loved our little outing last Saturday, and we really ought to do it more often :)

Karin said...

How much do you pay?

And regarding the panic attack, you're absolutely right. Writing is not what I've been doing, but I'll get to it soon. Hopefully.

Saturday was indeed very nice, and in so many ways. Certainly worth repeating!

Anonymous said...

Pan is the guy playing flute in the woods, isn't he?
In my opinion, I think he should watch out. There might be some competition out there...
Happy walk.:)

Karin said...

He, he, naughty boy, you better watch out yourself. You never know what strange creatures you might encounter in the woods...