Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Double Feature

Fantastic weekend, and no work done! Maybe I'll just consider it as a break and a booster before the final rush.

Saturday I met with a friend in town for a glass of wine. The weather was terrific and we managed to get a table outside, which is nothing less than pure luck in this town when the sun shines. After that first glass we had another, and as a belated birthday-gift she treated me with a lunch. Then down to the next spot, where we had cake. And some more wine.

Sensible as we are, being two old ladies and all, we headed home quite early. To her place for, well, even more wine. Too tipsy and tired to get home I borrowed her son's bed. (He wasn't in it of course.) Next day after breakfast I had a nice walk home.

Later on Sunday it was time to get social again, and sat in the car heading west shortly before six. Think I mentioned some pictures being taken of my son, and now I was going to pick them up. I packed my bag with a selection of DVDs and a jar of fetacheese-filled olives. I let him choose which film to watch, and we started with "Bound". It was quite a few years since I first watched it, and I was a little surprised by a few very graphic scenes I couldn't remember. My "companion" pointed out that this was the "full uncut version" with the highest rating; not to be supplied to any person under 18.

(Sorry. Companion? I really don't know what to call him! I could call him friend, since being a friend is an absolute must for any lasting relationship, but on the other hand, I certainly don't go round kissing all my other friends. But he's not my boyfriend either. A special friend maybe? Oh, he's very special, no doubt about that, but there still some "problems"; like if anything happened to one of my "ordinary" friends I'd be informed somehow. But in this case? It really is a grey area. Not that defining it is the most important issue, I'm just saying being human sometimes is quite complicated.

The problem is that we people need to label everything, and in our culture we don't have that much variety in definitions when it comes to relations. But just because we lack the semantics, it doesn't mean all the grey areas don't exist. They do, I know a lot of could bes, has beens, waiting to bes, on&offs and so on, which won't fit into our limited terminology. End of digression and back to the movie.)

There are questions we rarely ask, but I can't help but wonder. Do men look at men the same way women look at women?

You probably couldn't find a straighter girl than me. I don't mind other people being gay or bi, but personally I don't see the point, if you know what I mean? But having said that, I have no problem admitting that I can see when a woman is sexy, and that could be a bit confusing. Are we looking to check out the competition, the ideal to be? Watching a film like "Bound" with two fine looking ladies like Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon makes this very clear to me. I have a feeling men are more confident in who they are. Or at least I don't think they are as confused as we are. Or is it just me?


Anonymous said...

It's just you, of course. ;) And no - I don't think men look at men the same way women look at women. We're different. More simple. No, I'm not bi either, but to quote Woody Allen - "it would have doubled my chances on Saturday night".
"Companion"? It's OK - I guess.....

Karin said...

Men simple? That's what you lot think! :) I'm not so sure we women agree all the time. ;) But let's not argue about that, amigo...

About "companion": I was thinking like "my companion for the evening", or something like that, didn't aim for a final definition. And is there need for one right now? Besides, no matter what - you're still my soulmate.