Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I looked through previous post and saw that something very important was missing, and what was left gave the impression that I was accusing everybody of lying to me. Or it could look like that. On the other hand, only those with a not so clear conscious would have felt guilty, right? Anyhow, the point wasn't to vent my spleen over some innocent remarks, but I actually had a memorable encounter recently, with someone whom I after while suspected to be a pathological liar. Interesting evening indeed, and at the beginning he seemed to be quite normal. Charming and courteous. And the stories he told I had no reason to doubt. Later though he seemed to be more out of control, his speech almost shifted, and the stories lacked logic. I just played along, it was quite funny. And very educational; one more character to cross of my list. Next time I'll recognize the type...


Erica said...

No need to apologize. I think you might be on the right track about the guilt thing - if you haven't lied, well, then there's nothing to worry about or contemplate: "is she referring to me???". I play along the same way you did - let them have all the rope they want and see how long it takes for them to hang themselves! ;) Maybe not the most ideal of attitudes, but hey, it can make an evening interesting!

Karin said...

That particular tall tale that evening really was something... I can't reveal any details here though, but maybe I could send you a mail, just to give you a laugh?

By the way, I saw a book in the bookshop yesterday which made me think of you. And that was only because of the cover, but a closer look also told me that you most likely know of it from before.

Erica said...

Thank you for the link!!!! No, I don't recall hearing about the book. It sounds quite interesting, I read a couple of pages, the authour has a great way of putting things, overall quite understandable. I checked out some of his other books and things related....too many books, never enough time! ;) I'll have to wait until payday to order a few.

Our mutual friend has my email address, is it OK to send through here? I'm a little unsure of all this blogging/facebook stuff, I assume everything can be viewed by anyone. This is rather public domain so not sure if I want to 'advertise' it.

Karin said...

Thanks, I'll ask her. Or you can just click "Contact Me!" on the right here and send me a mail first...

And I'm so with you on "too many books, never enough time! ;)"