Monday, February 02, 2009

Dr Feelgood

Yay, I was right - he definitely wanted to see me. (By the way, he could almost be on my list as well, had he been someone else's G.P.! He's got the brains and looks, and very gentle hands.) That he managed to fit me into his schedule unfortunately means I'm on antibiotics for a week... Not sick really, but a nasty skin infection which I couldn't treat by myself. But it won't scar and I'll be as beautiful as before... ha, ha. The pills will kick in almost immediately, so I see no reason for not being social this coming weekend. Clean and germfree...


Erica said...

Is he single???? ;) He's not my GP after all....

Karin said...

I don't see him that often (which is a good thing, since he's my GP), but last year we had to run down his office, both me and my daughters, and we all thought he was looking a little drained. Probably in the middle of a divorce, we figured out. He looked much better now...

Erica said...

I'm in the middle of negotiations here - people I work with insist it's time for me to get out there and date again. Joking aside, I've resisted so far. Maybe I'll be ready to venture down that path once I'm settled over there????

Karin said...

Not much to loose, my dear friend; get out there! You might get hurt, but as long as you learn something from each experience you'll be fine. And most importantly - life isn't that long, so enjoy it. Get yourself a pair of lucky boots...

Erica said...

When you put it like that....
I do believe in learning from my past, I certainly have a good idea of the kind of relationship I'm looking for, I think a little shopping trip for boots is in order??? ;)