Sunday, February 08, 2009

Glorious Moments

Finally I got the incentive I needed to unpack those last boxes left from the move, and get the apartment in shape. Still have pictures to hang (although I won't be doing all due to the stupid regulations here...), and some curtains to sew for the living room. Funny how the prospect of receiving guests can wake you up from hibernation! And even if the travel plans won't work, my flat will at least be more like a home.

Today I've been swirling around like the Minuano finishing various tasks, like would you believe it - carry away two large bags full of autumn leaves! It was so strange; when I came back from Sweden last month I noticed that my entrance was piled up with dry brown leaves, and also that mine was the only one. All of the neighbors' looked clear to me, but I figured it had something to with winds and location. For a second though I suspected someone to have played a trick on me... I've been walking in and out of this for weeks now, but today I cleaned it up. Looks so much better. And I also went back to the old flat and picked up my bike, the garden table and some odd things that I left behind.

Then the two oldest came over with Chinese Take-Away. Nice treat for a mother's day I think. And my daughter had made this beautiful bouquet with white, pink and red roses which she gave to me on behalf of all three, along with a card saying "World's Best Mum". Today I actually feel quite alright; even important, as someone just told me I am.


Erica said...

Happy Mother's Day! Of course you're important, that never changes no matter what the day is! :)

Karin said...

True! And those words also came from someone who I'm not a mother to... ;)