Thursday, February 12, 2009

Singing Out

My daughter will probably be immensely annoyed if she finds out what I'm going to write now, but I'm pretty confident she won't. She doesn't read my blog, and I definitely don't visit her on Facebook, or any other spaces she might have. But it's not like I'm telling a secret, the whole country will know soon anyway. She just don't want me to make a fuzz about it. But how could I not?

A couple of years ago this Swedish singer Caroline af Ugglas came up with an idea of famous singers/musicians forming choirs, consisting of 20 people from their hometown, which then should compete on TV. Each week one choir is sent home. In Sweden they have run 2 seasons, and in the USA, NBC adapted this idea into Clash of the Choirs. Now the time has come for Norway to try out the format. And by now you've probably guessed the rest as well? Yes, my youngest ("the monster"), is picked out to be one of the choir members...

This was not the post I wanted to write. I have so much to say, and so little idea of how to do it! Where did my skills go? Disguising the plot as something everyday and trivial, making it more digestible. But maybe that is the thing? Maybe I should sing out too? I asked for plain words myself, didn't I? I could always experiment with my writing somewhere else; on the other hand it's here (so far anyway), that I find the inspiration to play with the words like this. Give me a blank paper, and my brain goes blank too.

Another thing I've been doing, is working on my web-site for my "healing activities". A site where I tell you about what I do, a little about the "tools", and how you can contact me if you would like to be one of my 40 cases I need for graduating the course. (To you, commander - I checked and you are approved! Well, actually it's up to me how I regard it... I have to approve of you.) When the site is ready all you have to do is ask for the address - I won't be posting a link here.


Toril said...

Congratulations to you and Anne, well done!!! When can I expect to see her on television? Can't wait, and I'm confident she'll make an excellent contribution to the Clash of the Choirs :o)

Mothers have a right to brag about her childrens' achievements, and also have a right to be very proud!!

Karin said...

First time will be Saturday 7th of March, and if they're the first choir to go also the last...

And of course I'm proud!