Thursday, February 05, 2009

Winter Murmuring

Seriously - how am I supposed to be doing any reading when I've got a head that's killing me? I usually don't get headaches like this, but it's probably due to the antibiotics. I'll just have to live with it I guess, and in the meantime do other things that don't require as much concentration. Like baking Macadamia Shortbread and sewing pot holders. And writing blogposts as you can see. All these activities are relaxing, things I know how to do. Maybe I should just do that? Stick to things I know?

The snow is falling now, it's all white, and I wish I was elsewhere. But very soon I need to make this draft for tomorrow, no way out. It won't be as substantial as I would have liked it to be, but this is no news for you. You've heard it all before. After that meeting with my lecturer I have a whole weekend in front of me, and no plans. Not that I usually have that many plans, but now I'm itchy. Really need to do something. Like making snow angels perhaps? I wish I had wings now myself; then I'd fly away. Maybe someone remembered to put out food out on the veranda? Angels too need feeding in winter times.


Erica said...

It must be something in the air... I ended up staying at home today, not feeling 'up' to venturing out. Nothing I can put my finger on exactly - just not right somehow. My unsolicited advice: relax and enjoy the slower pace as much as you possibly can in your less than ideal circumstances. This too shall pass....I know, doesn't help a damn with a splitting headache! ;)

Spring fever kicking in? We're expecting snow tonight sometime, I'll keep the snow angel idea in the back of my head, incase the winter/life blues kick in this weekend. :) If you want to fly your angel wings over this way, I'll be sure to put a snack out for you!

Karin said...

Serious case of spring fever, I think. ;) And no idea how to get relief.

Erica said...

Find a nice gentleman that might indulge a woman in need??? ;) Keep your mind off things for awhile....

Karin said...

I don't think I could handle any more of those! Got enough problems with the ones I've got around me, as it is. And to be honest it's actually them I should keep off my mind...

Erica said...

Hmm, I know that one all too well myself! ;) How easily we allow ourselves to become distracted - especially when we have other, rather mundane details to attend to (like University assignments)!! :)

Shall we make a pact to stick to the task(s) at hand and not let our minds/fantasies lead us astray??? Depends on how good the fantasy is, doesn't it....oops, there I go again!

Karin said...

I think I'm a lost case... but a pact would probably be a good idea. ;) Although these fantasies are of the best kind - difficult to let go of.

Having said that, I think I'm closer than ever to perform the necessary actions in order to protect myself and my sanity. Getting too tired of this now...