Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I just love lemon curd, and for the Autumn Fair at the neighbor's farm I made one batch of the traditional type, and another flavored with lime and passion fruit. Absolutely divine, if I must say so myself... ;) Here's the only jar left; looks nice, doesn't it?


Erica said...

It does indeed look VERY yummy! I don't think I've ever tried Lemon curd - or heard of it for that matter - it's now on my to-do list :)

Toril said...

Yippi - you're back!!

Karin said...

And once you've tried it you're hooked... :)

Back? Sort of, anyway. :) And I'll even be back in Bergen next week! Feel like catching up? Preferably with wine. ;)

Toril said...

Are you in Bergen yet? I'm not up to wine today (too much gin last night!), but would love a cup of coffee at Lagunen if you're nearby and willing :)

Karin said...

Next week isn't here yet, darling! Probably the gin from last night making you dizzy. I'll be home Thursday morning. :)

Toril said...

I'm back on Friday from Kristiansand, and I'll be looking forward to share some gossip with you - I assume you have some after all this time??? I'll catch the bus one of these days so I can drink more than a glass of wine!! Maybe we should ask Gabrielle to join us?