Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Woodland adventure

Ventured out again yesterday, and this time I brought the camera. Or I should say phone - with camera. The camera is actually very good on this one, but I've already found it's rather sensitive to movements. No anti-shake as you can see... I was a little "excited" and probably didn't keep my hands still long enough.

But I hope I'm excused, it's no picnic creeping up on creatures like this one from behind...

Wouldn't face him straight on, can you blame me?

Here I got down on my knees. The Cantharellus tubaeformis looked like giant trees from that angle, and I felt like I was a mouse.

I know people start to build in height when the ground gets too crowded, but I was quite surprised to see fungi overcome vertigo and set up camp on higher altitudes... No Photoshop! No optic illusion! This one actually grew straight out of the trunk of the tree, a meter up.

I bet there was a whole magical world down there, in that old sawn-off tree trunk

I have also wondered often "Where do they sleep?" The wild animals that is, like the moose. Now I know; I found his bed in the grass.

And then I turned my head. Realized he'd probably be home soon. Time to go to sleep...


Abundance said...

That's one really nice camera you have! The camera in my phone certainly wouldn't have anything close to this - come to think of it, neither would my digital camera! These are great pictures! :)

Karin said...

Thanks, and it's so convenient having a reliable camera in your phone. "Always" with me so to speak...