Sunday, May 16, 2010

Temporary Appearance

Didn't think I'd ever be interested in houses and interior decoration again, but out of the blue the urge sort of came back. Not that building a house is a current undertaking, but if/when, this might be just the one I'd like to move in to - a stylish barnhouse from Northern Sweden.


Libertè ;-) said...

The houses seem OK.... ...but Northern Sweden....? :-D
Have a nice day!

Karin said...

Is it the geographical location or the country all together you're objecting against? ;) If it's geography, let me assure you right now - I'm not moving to Jämtland. ;-) But if you're having problem with the origin of the house itself, that's another issue. Although you'll probably won't see one in Bergen, kinda hard to find a flat and spacious enough spot here. ;-)

Libertè ;-) said...

Think I'll skip the first question, but Jämtland is - as I'm sure you are well aware of - Norwegian - really. You're just borrowing it for some years.....

Karin said...

Along with Härjedalen and Bohuslän... The question is then - am I really Swedish? Does Sweden exist at all? :-)

Libertè ;-) said...

A Norwegian comic magazine called "Konk" once displayed a map of the Nordic countries where the unsignificantly countries
- meaning Sweden - had been removed. (Not my words) :-)

Karin said...

You're just jealous of our cars, Absolut and IKEA... ;)

Libertè ;-) said...

Except for Absolut and IKEA, I must admit you're right. :-)

Karin said...

Didn't I think so...

But while we're on the subject of powerful things - I could use one of your tools. Have a bunch of small holes to make, maybe you can help me out one day? I'll manage the job myself, just need the right equipment. :)