Saturday, March 13, 2010

Same Old, Same Old

In short - I'm almost back where I was 3 years ago. Slightly more paid this time (which isn't a miracle since there was no money in it at all then). You know I've been looking for work, and as we all know it's not exactly a walk in the park for anyone. I've probably could have applied for even more than the ones I've done already, but I do the best I can for the moment. And I have even sent off applications to other places than Bergen! Let's see what destiny can do for my future...

But while waiting for that perfect job (or any job to be honest), there's not much cash coming in. There's a lot of criticism towards the officials, their inefficiency and lack of compassion, and then perhaps even more criticism of the people who are "lucky" enough to get anything from them. Well, I don't particularly share that view, against either. There are always the worst cases we hear about, and I believe they're doing a lot of good as well. One thing they have for example, for lets say someone in my position - a reasonably well educated and competent woman but without any confirmed work experience, which makes it hard to enter the market - is a program where an employer can take a person in "for free", following some sort of plan. The person (me in this case) will work as anyone else, getting valuable experience and references in return. As I said it's not well paid, but certainly a lot more than nothing, which is what I have now. And there are no obligations, the day I get a "proper" job I can go.

So where is this? It's a place where some of my interests and talents can be combined and hopefully put to proper use. It's the library at the Institute of Marine Research. Books and articles, computers, and fishy business - can it be better?


Libertè ;-) said...

I have a job proposal for you.... Publish this (and quite a few of your other blog posts) on a site that is read by all those fed up-, ignorant-, stuck-up-, demanding people that expect the world to come to them.
Bless you for having a healthy approach to.... everything really... including job appliancies.
The key to success is as always - never give up....ever...
It's their loss if they don't hire you.

Karin said...

Now, there's a key word (or two) - never give up. If you could only imagine how close it is sometimes...

Erica said...

That sounds like a good never know exactly where it will lead, even if it's just to get you through a rough patch! :) You might find an 'unexpected something' there you're interested in. Or, you could publish your blog as suggested (not only to give those who might need it a push/kick in the butt) and see where that leads....

The stress of looking for your perfect job might not be quite so bad now that you have a bit of income you can rely on. :)

Toril said...

How about a date in town on Saturday, Karin? I'm meeting Gabrielle, and I think a Norwegian and an Aussie could make you forget about the misery of applying for work - at least temporarily :-) I remember thoses days as if it was yesterday - believe it or not!!

Karin said...

That could work, depending on a few things... give you a call! :) But I agree, it would be really nice!

Toril said...

Sounds good :)

Toril said...

Are you ready for town tomorrow?

Karin said...

Sorry, I don't think I can make it, my friend. :( For reasons I'm not too eager to discuss here...

Toril said...

Oops!! It will do you good - I promise :)

Karin said...

I know! But it's not like I don't want to... Let me see how things work out here...

Toril said...

Karin, let me know if you need someone to talk to over lunch on Monday, or any other day next week :) Or simply if you want to have a coffee with a friend!

Karin said...

A coffee with a friend, and especially one like you, is always welcome. However, lunches I can't do these days. Simply not enough time to go from my place to yours in half an hour. After work maybe? :)

Toril said...

I'll have to get back to you on this one since I have a hectic week ahead of me :)