Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Early Bird

-What are you doing here? This early?
That was Toril twenty minutes ago; met her at the car park. Now, she's always up early, bright and shiny, ready to work long before the birds are singing. I haven't been down here for ages, let alone at this hour. But not only am I here, apparently I look fresh and perky as well. That's a first. It might be some truth in what she said next:

-Having your mother here is really doing you well, right?


Toril said...

Absolutely!! I don't know what your mom has done to you, but you're like a brand spanking new Karin :) It's absolutely delightful to see you so happy!!!! It's like Karin has been reassembled, and this time correctly. Not that I don't like you when you're sad, it's just such a remarkable feeling to see you smile again - and from the bottom of your heart - if you know what I mean???

It's time for this old body to head off to the gym - talk to you soon :)

Karin said...

And she's leaving on Friday... I guess the coming month will be The Ultimate Test, and it could turn either way. But regarding what we discussed this morning; I feel that's probably a wise thing to do. There'll always be another opportunity for taking that exam, and Anne is more important. We'll have a new meeting on Friday, which hopefully will give us some answers and a direction to go from here.

My meeting with Hilde went rather well, and if I don't wander off completely or get stuck again, I at least should be able to hand in the Bachelor assignment as planned. At least.

Erica said...

Good for you! It's wonderful to actually see a Mom/Daughter relationship that works and stands the test of time. Nothing like having someone around to look after you for a change!!!

Karin said...

I just wish she didn't have to go back so soon. When she's gone there's no one to look after me, and right now I actually need that someones cares. There's no crime admitting that, right?

Erica said...

Absolutely NOT!!!! You're one step ahead of me....I still have trouble just admitting I need the help from time to time! :( Most of the time I drive myself to the absolute edge trying to keep up - or do it all. Nothing wrong with having someone who will look after you.

Karin said...

Thanks Deb, for reassuring me.

I have just now dropped my mother off at the train station, and I'm all alone again. The place is empty.

Funny really, but for the whole week I've been in such good mood just for having her here, that I hardly said a word about my "struggles". But then, half an hour before the train was leaving, and probably as a reaction to her going home, I suddenly started to talk. Poor mum, now she's sitting there on the train, all concerned about me, when she should be getting some sleep. Silly me.