Monday, April 21, 2008

Revealing True Nature

I'm a bitch today, and I kinda like it. Far better than being just sad and miserable. But I'm a sneaky one too, trying not to be too obvious about it.

Had a conversation with my ex-husband this morning, regarding our daughter, who needs some extra attention at the moment. And although he's living in Canada at the moment, of course he should be involved in our daughter's welfare, and I know he wants to be. Or so he says, 'cause there's the problem. From my point of view (I might be wrong) I can't see anything else that than he's not walking the talk, and he seems to be too easily manipulated by his new woman. From day one I have been very understanding, and even wanted to meet her. After all, she was going to be spending time around my kids, and I wanted to take the edge out of it. Well, she wasn't ready for it (!), and she still isn't 5 years later. Anyhow, when I talked to my ex today I didn't say anything derogatory to him personal, we usually have a good tone, but I asked him if he was going to be able to stand up for his kids when he and his "lady" starts to argue and turn everything sour. (This is not me imagining things, he's even told me himself, in addition to what my kids say.) Sorry, you're still wandering about the bitchy part, aren't you? I slipped "self-centered cow" into the conversation about his woman. Ha! Good start, maybe I should get me some leather boots and a whip too?


Toril said...

My dear friend, I highly recommend leather boots and a nasty and painful whip!!! I absolutely adore the "bitch" part of you, go for it gorgeous - yeehaa!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, do we have a date on Monday the 28th, or are you busy??

Karin said...

And maybe handcuffs too? Oops, that's another scenario...

Monday the 28th? You're set for some celebration? My mother is here then, but why don't we show her our little place when you're off work? I don't know the time yet, but my son will be participating in parade on that day as well, in honor of the German Minister of Defense. We'll keep in touch. I'll probably come down town later this week for some serious supervising with Hilde, maybe I'll stop by your office?