Thursday, April 17, 2008


Living creatures have basic needs which requires satisfaction; if you're hungry you'll get something to eat, and if you're cold you'll put on a sweater. Fairly simple. But what about needs which are dependent on other's approval and participation? Like physical contact? Well, I'm getting better at a lot of things. Now I can even steal hugs and kisses when I need it, as I would food if I didn't have any money. I wouldn't steal affection from anyone though, but this poor man was blindsided by my cheap tricks. Ha, ha. But I guess it couldn't have been all that bad, as he didn't squirm and wriggle too much. And he's a man who's actually everything but pitiable, and I know he's no fool. In short - a real man.

He even gave me a nice moose steak to bring home. Which, my guess is, he brought down himself.

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