Saturday, September 17, 2005


A small, greyhaired man in his fifties entered the Vicars office and told the Vicar he wanted to confess.
That’s allright, said the Vicar. What’s on your mind?
Well, the man started hesitantly, yesterday my wife bent over the freezer, her skirt slid up just a bit, and I couldn’t fight the lust of the flesh, so I pulled up her skirt completely, off with her pants, and took her all I could!
And that was your wife, you said? asked the Vicar.
Yes, replied the man, we’ve been married for 28 years.
My son, this is nothing to confess, said the priest, having sexual intercourse with your wife is just like God intended.
Thanks, that was good to hear, said the man and left the office.
About an hour later a plain, greyhaired little lady about 50 years old also addressed the Vicar and wanted to confess. The priest asked what it was all about, and the woman told him:
Yesterday I bent over the freezer, and my husband pulled up my skirt, took off my panties and than we had sex from behind. This is awful.
The Vicar chuckled and said: Your husband has already been here to tell the story, and I’ll tell you what I told him, that there is no shame in sexual relations within the holy matrimony.
So we’re welcome to church if we want to? asked the lady.
Oh why, yes of course. You’re most welcome to the church! replied the priest.
That’s a relief, said the lady, ‘cause up at the deli they told us we’re not welcome anymore.

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