Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Speeding Away...

I've got a monster at home. Not under my bed, where they usually hide; no, this one's got her own bed. Which she rarely makes, by the way. Today she was about to go on a schooltrip, a bikeride on "Rallarvegen". She's not the most active teenager, and I guess she dreaded the uphills more than anything. Therefore, when she already a couple of days ago complained about a beginning sore throat, I actually suspected her of beeing so extremely calculating that she not only planned to be sick on the day of departure, but put on a play in advance as well. Obviously I feel ashamed of mistrusting her like that, but it only shows how bad it can get here sometimes, and what's more - it takes one to know one... did I mention I used to be 13 once? Anyhow, this morning she woke up in a terrible state, asking for a bucket; and from then on the morning evolved into something fit for a DrPhil-show. Nasty indeed.

When I eventually drove her to the trainstation I was, to put it mildly, slightly upset and agitated. Not an excuse, but merely an explanation for what happened next. I got caught in one of those bloody photo radars! Totally unnecessary, and it'll cost me a fortune, I'm pretty sure of that. I'll be lucky if they let me keep my license. On the other hand, it could actually be quite nice not to be driving that little monster around for a while. Amazing how some fresh air can do wonders for spoiled brats. And also, as our gender expert at the section, Hilde Corneliussen, suggested: "You just did your womanly duty in evening out the statistics." Cute.

On the bright side of things, I must say I look forward to this semester and the courses I'll be following. "Digital Media and Digital Cultures" with associate professor Scott Rettberg, I'm sure will be a pure treat for my mind. At least until I have to produce something. He too referred to monsters, reminding us of our final 5000 word-paper, which are due at the end of November. My hope is that all monsters haunting me can be tamed and transformed into something beautiful, something that makes me feel good and smile with pride.


Anonymous said...

I've made two loooong comments, and they have both disappeared on me. I HAAAAAAAATE this Internet connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Useless crap!!!!

Karin said...

You were probably only going to tell me how naughty I've been anyway, right? You can scold me tomorrow in person, my friend. I'll be there. By bus...

Anonymous said...

Actually, I just had a lot to say about motherhood and monsters, and scolding was not on my list. In fact, I hadn’t even thought of the word….. So I have taken the privilege to hasten to the conclusion that you’re probably spending time at home feeling like a “bad mother”, and I KNOW that isn’t true – not at all!!

As you know (better than most), I’ve had my fair share of monsters at home ;) and I can only assure you that they eventually grow out of it, and transform into “something beautiful, something that makes you feel good and smile with pride”. Unfortunately, it may take a few years though, so I advise shared parenting – regularly and NOT occasionally. Another option may be to send the monster off to boarding school in Saudi Arabia. I guarantee a tame teenager on her first R & R…..

In addition, shared parenting (or boarding school) may also reduce your level of agitation, which may be good for your health, never mind your wallet!! Racing through photo radar traps" in this neck of the woods certainly isn’t a cheap venture. In fact, I think you may have to refrain from gadget stores for a month or two (or more)…..

Above all, you’re a wonderful friend and a terrific mother, and I look forward to see you tomorrow :)