Sunday, November 04, 2007

Everything's Lost?

What an extremely odd day this has been, with so many extraordinary things happening. But I'll jump to the very end of it.

I was out with a group of friends, drinking wine and beer and having a good time. We were chatting along as best as we could (the music is always too loud), but at one point it suddenly seemed that everybody got messages coming in on their phones, which everyone then "had" to reply to, and obviously we made a topic out of that. The need for phones, anti social behavior, and all that. I must admit I'm quite "attached" to my phone, and I always (more or less) carry it with me. It's not so much the phone in itself, but the content and the possibilities it holds.

I was just saying to Chris that I considered buying a new phone, but I sure needed a better excuse than that I didn't like the keys, and then I went off to the ladies room. When I came back I thought I'd check the phone for incoming messages (again) but found it was missing! I realized I'd been stupid enough to place it on the toilet paper holder while I washed my hands, and then distracted by the impatient woman on the outside jerking the door knob. As soon I understood what had happened I rushed to the "ladies" room, only to find the phone gone. I asked for it at the bar, no luck, and then I called my own number, only to find it turned off. (Hence "ladies", 'cause neither a real lady, nor a gentleman, steals from others.) Next was to call my provider to block the SIM-card, and after that - well, Good Night, Irene!

Sure, no one can use my phone and call Africa on my account, but that's not my problem. What about all my contacts? Phone numbers, and all those messages and pictures? I feel so extremely empty, and how pathetic it may sound, that content was "proof" of a reality I don't have. Now that it's gone, I feel lost.

The others tried to assure me that it was better if my phone, a dead thing, was lost, than if I had gone missing. I guess that's true. And also, if the only connection I have to certain people is an idle phone number or a faint image, then it's probably not worth that much anyway, is it? Maybe this was a wakeup call? When I get my new phone I'll soon see which people who'll still be in contact with me, 'cause the number will be the same. And the people who then are "lost", maybe they should be? I'm just afraid I'm not ready for it.

Or I could be in for a surprise...

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