Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Paralyzed Or Incited?

So, not much help to get from SIB. Went down to their office today just to see if there was any possible way to get round this dilemma. But no. As it looks now I have to move to the new flat as "ordered" in week 50, regardless of my student status next year. It means I might be staying in the new flat for only a month before I'll move again! But maybe this is just what I needed? The famous "kick in the butt" to finally do something? Instead of waiting for the right moment, maybe this is the time to do it anyway? (And how can I blame other people for not making their mind up, when I'm not exactly Mrs. Speedy Decisions myself? We just have different areas where we linger in indecisiveness...) You see, the new higher standard doesn't come for free, and the rent will increase by nearly 40 %! Which suddenly makes the student housing not so cheap anymore... If I still have to pay an extra 2000,- Nok per month, why don't I just get the h#*¤l out of here, and pay market price for a place where I can stay as long as I want?

Thinking this I had a quick look at finn.no to see what's for rent at the moment. Very saddening, I'd say. But more on a personal level, it has to do with my perception of myself. I don't wanna be that "40 something divorced single mum living in a rented basement flat". Silly I know, and it probably says more about me and my prejudices, than it says anything about all those other 40 something divorced single mums living in a rented basement flat...

Part of me really wants to do what my friend Hannah just did; get rid of almost everything and start over. Right now I'm leaning against giving notice here and see what happens. It all works out in the end, especially if you have faith. In yourself, that is.


Toril said...

Karin, I think you would be much happier and better off in your own nest as living in a student accomodation for a number of years can be rather depressing for a 40-something young woman who has been accustomed to much nicer and vastly more comfortable accomodation during her short and adventurous life :) As for myself, I know I would go mental living in a student campus for too long!! Time to say goodbye to your current nest and move on to the next, and whether that means a master degree or a job, or a basement suite or a flat with a view is - in my opinion - insignificant at the moment!!!

Keep looking :)

Karin said...

You're right about that, but as I can't afford something on my own at the moment I'll have to do that switch first. But I have a feeling I won't unpack completely; I'll try to get out of here as soon as I can...

Erica said...

Hello again! I've been so busy with things, the most I've been able to accomplish is try to read your blog on a regular basis!

The decision to move is never an easy one, so if you have the opportunity to take some time, that might be the best thing. You can take your time and check out the rental situation. I don't know about Bergen, we have a reasonable rental market here - although lately, we've been feeling the effects of inflation. The assumption being everyone is in the oil business and making tons of money. Makes it pretty difficult to survive if you happen to be one of the actual working 'joes' in an ordinary job that hasn't seen any kind of significant raise in the last 10 years or so (students included in that one). 40% is a pretty big increase to take all a once, I certainly would have a tough time working that into my limited budget! You do have one advantage though, at this University you have 2 days after your last exam to vacate student housing, I think that's absolutely insane.

A basement flat isn't ideal I know, but it can be a comfortable place while you're in transition from your 'old' life and into your 'new' one! You've been designing and redesigning this new life for yourself, we all need pit-stops along the way, each one a bit of an improvement from the previous one. Probably not where you'll be in a year or two's time, but at least one step up.

And yes, having faith in yourself is always a good thing; we underestimate our accomplishments and progress; time to sit back and give ourselves credit for how far we've already come!!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully incited (I had to look it up)and not paralyzrd. Otherwise I think would have been very unlike you.
Never giving up and keeping your good mood and excellent sense of humour, will sooner or later bring you to where you want to be.
Take care of yourself.

Karin said...

Deb: I'll do my best figuring this one out, but although the raise is nearly 40 % it's still just a little bit cheaper than the rest of the market. Maybe someone is looking for a live-in housemaid? He, he... (I've done some terrific practicing this week, which I might be dedicating my next blogpost to.)

Libertè: It's not the destination itself that's important - but getting there, someone just told me. But you're right; a good mood and stubbornness will make that journey easier and even more enjoyable.