Friday, November 21, 2008

Secret Handshake

Fantastic week it has been, and as someone suggested today: "It seems like you're in a flow?". Well, he would know. ;) But do you know what flow is? According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi it's:

"Being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you're using your skills to the utmost."

Probably the closest I'll ever get to play jazz, but that's OK. I can settle for just listening to the real jazz. Anyway; flow it is, at the moment. But audacious as I am I'd also like to add something to the previous explanation: When I'm in a flow it's a very spiritual state I'm in, and it's like I can see all the connections. And everything is connected. I could certainly dig a whole lot deeper in to this, but I won't as it's not necessary for the time being. Think I'll just tell you about yesterday.'Cause even if you don't see the connections, I do.

A couple of weeks ago I got this mail from an old friend in Sweden. Personally I hadn't seen him for ages, but as he's a close friend of my brother's he's still present in my mind somehow. Well, he said he was coming to Bergen for a conference, and that if I had time for a cup of coffee that would be nice. Deal, I said, and numbers were exchanged. First we met on Wednesday for that coffee, but just a quick one, since he was to meet the rest of the participants for dinner. We chatted casually for half an hour or so, and decided that we'd meet the next day as well. That was yesterday.

The weather was quite miserable, snowing sideways as it was. But nothing a glass of beer couldn't cure. It was quite late already when I arrived in the city, and I also had to reach the 1 o'clock bus home, so we were very efficient and cut to the chase after only one drink. (He's a politician, probably used to make swift decisions...) Now, stop right there my friends, and shame on you! I think I know what you're thinking of! No, this was purely academical, no Hanky Panky, mind you. But somehow he must have sensed that we had more in common that was visible, and I wondered if I had it written on my forehead that my musical taste is somewhat peculiar? So instead of talking about that day's boring lectures about local government, we were soon deeply into intricate musings about jazz. Groovy, swinging jazz. How I love that.

When I got home I sat down in front of the computer and sent him the links I'd promised; the musical milieu here in Bergen is quite good, even if some parts are somewhat underground - almost unknown to the common people. For instance; I told him about that one special happening I went to last month, and that he and his wife would have loved to be there, soaking in all that beat. Foreign drums, and strange tones.

So maybe I'll have visitors here next year from my hometown? That would be so nice, and I could introduce them to some of my friends here. I even have friends who are playing themselves. Then we'd all go to concerts and explore the depths of the Norwegian musical scene together.


Erica said...

Sounds wonderful! I don't have your appreciation for jazz, unfortunately, for me, it's right up there with rap. ;) I've ended up with more than one headache trying to aquire a taste for it. Ah well, some have it and some don't.....I happen to be in the 'don't' category! lol Enjoy the music and your friends!

Karin said...

But I might add that I don't like all kinds of jazz; some of it is too experimental and weird. Tune and rhythm is important, I think. Again, that too can be discussed - what's rhythm or not...

What I really like though is sharing the experience.