Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Old Remedy

Remember an exotic little jar my father kept by his bedside all through my childhood. His friend, the sailor, had brought it home from Asia somewhere. It wasn't much left of the content, but then again, as my father pointed out, a little went a long way. This was a container filled with magic, I thought. Strange writing on the label, and an even stranger smell. When a was a kid I had severe growing pains, but a little rub from the mystery jar with the tiger eased the suffering.

Tonight I suddenly recalled that I actually have a jar of my own. Bought it a while ago in an Asian shop here, simply for nostalgic reasons. But it does work! During the last couple of weeks I have apparently been so tense that my neck and shoulders have curled up completely. Hard and stiff, leaving a headache so bad I almost want to throw up at times. Aren't I the good healer? Totally forgetting myself. What I really could use is a good massage, but in wait for some determined hands to take care of the tension Tiger Balm will help me through the day. And night.


Erica said...

A chronic problem for a lot of healers I know....everyone else comes first! Or maybe we're aware of others so they seem to come first - I know I don't check myself often enough - usually it takes pain to get me to clue in!!! ;)

Karin said...

You may be right! But I might also just be in the need of a little personal attention... ;) The kind you can't book or pay for. Well, you can, but that's certainly not my thing... ;)

Erica said...

Hmmmm, yes, I get your point! ;) Sometimes it just doesn't show up when you need it the most! Time to go out and actively search??? :)

Karin said...

That could be a solution, and not a bad one either. Just have to be sure you know what you're looking for, and also importantly - what you're not looking for... ;)

Erica said...

I couldn't agree more! My issue seems to be 'settling' for what's currently infront of me - poor choice no matter how you look at it! :)

Karin said...

Poor choice indeed. One strategy though is to not settle for it, only keeping it for distraction and amusement in wait for the real thing. Maybe it's like getting a new job - easier if you're already employed?

This is not really my style, but why not? There sure are a lot of people out there who are practicing it all the time.