Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dead calm


Henrik said...

ok ?

Abundance said...

By the way, where is this?

Abundance said...

What an absolutely beautiful picture!!! It has such a feeling of calm - I trust it's a reflection of how you're feeling these days...??? It's great to have you back! :)

Karin said...

I realize the heading could suggest that I'm not that happy! I mean, according to Webster I'd be motionless, inactive, or useless... Didn't really think of it that way, for once I wasn't going for double meanings and analogies!

Having said that, life is on the other hand definitely not normal. Whatever that is... I'm here in Sweden with my mother for the next month, as I've been for the most part of August already. Not the place here to go into details, but we're fine. It's so amazing to be able to spend time with my mom (and the rest of my family), and we've set a goal to have at least one good laugh every day. We're way ahead!

The picture is taken in Odda, Norway, on my way back last month.

Toril said...

How is Sweden, my dear? Coming home soon??

Karin said...

Sweden's fine, all considered. But home? I really would like to know where that is...

Staying here most of September I guess. Everything OK with you?

Toril said...

Everything ok - helping Kristina to move - in with Timm :) Spent yesterday afternoon hauling stuff, and I'm already on my way to town now! Heading out to Godøysund late afternoon as the weather is good for a change.

How is you mum? Looks like my mom got her cancer back, and is likely to be on chemotherapy again next week... not that easy to get rid of the nastyness, and I think deep inside I didn't think it would be either....

Working hard, and getting ready for Madrid and Spain September 15, cant' wait!!

Miss you!!

Karin said...

Sorry to hear about your mom! It's a rough ride, that's for sure, no matter what the outcome.

Working hard here myself, with various projects. I'm destined to pick up weaving as well, and it's probably just a matter of time before I'll start. ;) My mother is right now putting on warp for the towels she's about to weave... So we're doing fine here.

Toril said...

It sounds delightful, Karin! I've been wanting to get back into handcrafts for a couple of years now. I've been unable to do any kind of creativity for many years due to lack of time, first kids/HUSBAND and then a university education. I'm thinking I should knit something this autumn/winter, and will probably pick up a project when I visit my mom and dad in October :) All my love to your mom!!

Karin said...


This was absolutely the best thing I could do, and I knew that from the start. Today we've been out in the woods, picking mushrooms and blackberries.

And you should definitely treat yourself with some lovely wool and knitting. A scarf or a pair of wrist warmers perhaps? (That's what I usually do. Smaller things, that is. I can knit every day, but I can't stand projects that take too long, like cardigans and sweaters. Get easily bored, and need variation. ;)

Another thing is that's expensive too. Not all together, but knitting a long cardigan means you have to buy all the wool at once, and that "hurts"...

Abundance said...

I must say I'm feeling a bit guilty about my latest trauma and how it's put me in a pissy mood. I'm just tired of the constant shortage of money.... Considering what you two are facing it pales in comparison.

I'm sure we'll all find our way through these latest difficulties ....somehow! :)

Karin said...

Please don't feel guilty! I think I've been talking about this before, but it can't be said too often. There's no way of measuring pain and suffering, and what you feel is true to you. You might experience something later though, which put things in perspective, but every feeling is valid at the time. And I do know how you feel right now, been there myself... But the thing is, that it's not like those old problems doesn't matter anymore just 'cause we're going through something more serious. It's all tangled together, and also I think it's important to let life be as normal as possible when someone is ill or undergoes treatment. This is a strategy we're using here, which makes everything so much easier. No walking around the bush, no taking extra consideration, no pretend stuff. A stick is a stick.

PS. Seems there no need for me writing another post ever! We can just go on here in the comment field... :)

Abundance said...

Thank you for putting things in perspective for me! :) They're all just the pressures of life. My supervisor and committee have commented on my 'need' to help out with the research projects, if I'm sick, I should stay home. They have a point, however I agree with you, life needs to remain as normal as possible. It doesn't do me any good to sit on the couch and do nothing all day long, I want to participate in life! :)

The comments work well for discussion, but I will miss your posts! Sometime in the future perhaps.... I'll be waiting! :)

Karin said...

You're right, a nice discussion is one thing and a "proper" post another. And I'd be very surprised if I didn't write another one sooner or later. Although, at the moment I can't find that "space" I need when I write. The routines now are quite different from when I'm home.

But if everything goes as planned I will at least have something juicy to write about in a few weeks time! I'm expecting company here! And if he doesn't show, then I'll definitely have something I need to articulate... Only then I probably scream it out so loud you'll hear it across the Atlantic anyway... ;)

Toril said...

Karin, how about a short post about picking mushrooms in an enchanting Swedish forest? A few pictures would be delightful as well :) Henriette and I picked chanterelles at Godøysund on the weekend - delicious!!

Keep us updated on your male visit. If he doesn't show up, let me know - Deb and I could help you cook up a nasty revenge :) I'm in the mood!!!

Danny is visiting for a few days before he returns to Durham, and I'm happier than a pig in mud - always more creative when I'm happy :)

Karin said...

Picking mushrooms isn't the worst of topics, and we'll probably head out soon again. And there truly are some "enchanting forests" here. Green, lush, serene. Moss covering the grounds and tree trunks, making the woods come alive with trolls and magic creatures.

Abundance said...

I'm feeling less and less guilty about not having my daughter's dream birthday party this year! Costa Rica vs. West Edmonton Mall's insanity....I choose Costa Rica!!! I believe I'll have to put my foot down on all the extras I've been paying for and save some of that cash for a trip to the enchanting forests - life experiences are priceless! :)