Monday, October 19, 2009

Create Post

That's what it says on my Blogger dashboard: create post. How I wish I could do that, simply press a button and be rewarded with an instant and ready-made post. You see, there's no shortage of stories to tell, I just don't know how to. I have funny stories, I have sad stories. There are some which might be better off left untold, and then there's one I have to tell. And that one sort of clogs up the rest. Like a congested chest inhibiting you from breathing properly; the only thing you can do is wheeze. So until I find some relief you'll have to put up with my rattling coughs and questionable discharge.

It's funny though how it all seems to go hand in hand. My laptop is kinda sluggish too, and ever so often my browser hangs while telling me it's not answering. "Thanks for the information, stupid! Think I noticed! #¤$%*!@" (How lucky our computers aren't talking back while we're abusing them...) But there are remedies to fix the machine - I have Ad-Aware and Wise Cleaner installed, and once they've been doing their work I reckon we're up to speed again.

At least the computer might be, I think I need an hour of healing - the human equivalent to registry cleaning and malware removal.

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