Thursday, October 22, 2009

A misst ye sae muckle!

That's what I'm going to say when I meet my dear Hannah again. I have definitely missed her, and it has been my intention all the time to go visiting her in her new home in Scotland. With a little bit of luck I might just do that in a near future! Imagine that, drinking pure single malt "on site", Christmas shopping on Princes Street and long chats with my friend by the fire. Auch aye!


Erica said...

Sounds like the perfect place to do a bit of healing, cleaning and malware removal! :)

Karin said...

Sure is! I've been dreaming of going back to Scotland ever since we moved away from there in -88, and that is a looong time ago. ;) About time, I reckon. And even so much nicer when I have someone to visit, not only the place.

Erica said...

Do whatever you can to get back there! No sense waiting any longer, if your life is set up so it's easy for you to go, then do it! :)