Friday, October 16, 2009

Need To Get Out

Been sitting here all day, like a limp doll, uncapable of mobilizing enough energy to do just anything. My head is a mess. Well, I wrote a mail, but I don't think that counts. Write I can do in my sleep. (Which I often do, judging the result.)

There's so much I need to do, so much I need to say. But first I need to get out...


Erica said...

Good idea! Feeling the same way....nothing is quite 'right' today. Get out, let your mind rest, change your scenery! :)

There's always time for writing later.

Karin said...

Yeah - I got out, walked the 5 minutes to the shop, bought 2 beers and some chocolate, got back, chocolate's gone and I have only the one beer left. Feel a lot better, ha, ha...

(To spoil this tragic story I must add I did buy sensible stuff as well, like fruit and pasta for tomorrow's dinner. Better not let everyone believe I'm all booze and indulgence.)

Erica said...

Right now all booze and indulgence looks pretty damn good to me! Threatened to send my daughter to her Dad's for a month, I get a break, they might actually realize all I do (wishfull thinking on that one I know) and I would be able to get a good chunk of my thesis out of the way! It's a dream I have......