Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Hot Stuff

"Next time, ask for help" he said. "Subtle hints won't do." Well, considering he was there something must have worked, and I hadn't even been trying. At least I don't think I had! But whatever happened, the end result is still that I don't have to freeze anymore; I now have wood enough to last through this cold. I hope.

And tomorrow I'll be hunting for a job...


Toril said...

How is the work hunting coming along? Anything interesting? Will I be seeing you around campus soon?

Karin said...

We can talk about that when I come visit you, which I probably will sometime this week? Wednesday or Thursday maybe? :) :)

Toril said...

Looking forward to see you, dear :) and hopefully hear of exciting news!

Karin said...

Maybe some exciting news, yes! Although not work related... ;)